Converging Creeks Farm is FoodWaves' partner farm in Colton, OR. It is a 6 acre mixed vegetable and small animal husbandry farm using organic practices to produce high quality products to nourish our minds and bodies while protecting our most valuable natural resources. It is the culmination of 18 years of a commitment to living with nature.

Small-Acreage Market Farm Internship Program (SAMFIP)
SAMFIP offers comprehensive hands-on training opportunities for future farmers to learn the skills necessary to operate an organic, sma---acreage market farm. FoodWaves' partner farm, Converging Creeks Farm (Colton, OR), is a 6-acre property that is home to a bio-intensive organic vegetable operation, as well as, an animal pasture for chickens and pigs. We also raise bees which provide us honey and pollinate our crops! We have an emphasis on soil health and strive to encourage soil micro-flora and fauna with conservation techniques and tool selection that preserve habitat for all life in the soil. Participants may live on the farm to complete the educational experience.
We also have a focus on community education and provide financial and technical support to those in need of food assistance. Our Grow and Eat Together (GET) Program offers hands-on learning opportunities to schools, community centers and other locales to teach community members how to grow their own food in raised beds, small containers, etc. Participants in our SAMFIP program have the opportunity to take part in these off-farm activities as well as a way to give back to the community!
For those with a more homesteading/food security mindset, our educational farm offered many opportunities where one may learn the "tricks of the trade" that can be applied to home efforts for improved efficiency and success. This can be accomplished through a 2 day/week stipend position or by volunteering on your own schedule when it makes sense for you.
You can download a copy of the Internship Application by clicking the document link below or contact us by clicking the button below for more information.